Energetic Encoding of Hexagrams into the Activated Human Lightbody (merkaba)

Contemplation can by physical, emotional, mental, and/or energetic/etheric.

The method described below uses visualization and intention to contemplate a Gene Key / hexagram energetically / etherically.

This instruction assumes that you are familiar with and can easily execute the original 17 breath merkaba activation mediation received and communicated by Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume II.

Last month's blog post shared where you can access a free course to learn this mediation.

We will be focusing on a specific hexagram for the instruction (Gene Key 48.5) where the sun is today, but can be use to enhance the contemplation of any Gene Key. The intention is this exercise would preceed time set aside to contemplate a specific gene key, but it's effects will last around 48 hours energetically.

Hexagrams are built from solid yang lines and broken yin lines. They are built from the bottow up, meaning the 1st line is at the bottom of the hexagram and the sixth line is at the top.

The first six breath of the 17 breath merkaba activation mediation are key to energetically encoding a hexagram into the activated human lightbody/merkaba.

Each of the first six breaths are used to encode a line.

In GK 48 the first line is yin (the lower trigram of wind begins with a yin, broken line). Borrowing from the values of the coin method of consulting the book of change / I-Ching as an oracle, for yin we'll tap the first mudra twice, simultaneously visualizing the sun tetrahedral shape as being connected with curves (yin) instead of straight lines (yang) and being filled with the color blue (for the water element in the upper trigram). Then on the exhale of the first breath, picturing the earth tetrahedral shape with curves and filled with the color yellow (for the wind element of the lower trigram).

yin and yang tetrahdral shapes.JPG

The second line in GK 48 is yang, so here we'll tap the mudra of the second breath three times, while visualizing the sun tetrahedron (straight line edges) filled with blue, and on the exhale visualizing the earth tetrahedron (straight line edges) filled with yellow.

Third line is yang.

Fourth line is yin.

Fifth line is yang. Since this is the line highlighted by the sun today, and the line we're contemplating specifically in this exercise, on the exhale a single mudra tap marks this line as highlighted/changing.

Sixth line is yin.

following the first six breaths, the seventh breath begins

1) the mudra associated with the Gene Key from the Mudras course on Gene Keys website

2) the interdimensional prana breathing from the poles (above the top of the head and below the body, meeting at the one point behind the navel). Visualizing blue from above (the upper trigram's element of water) and yellow from below (the lower trigram's element of wind) joining together at the "one point" through breaths 7, inwardly say to yourself "Embrace the Shadow of <>, in this case Inadequacy. Breaths 8 & 9 are visually the same as 7, but focused on the gift, saying Release the Gift of <>, in this case Resourcefulness. On breath 10 the sphere at the one point ignites into gold, transmuting the elements of the upper and lower trigrams into pure quintessence. On the 10th exhale the smaller sphere at the "one point" expands to surround the entire body an aura in a sphere of gold quintessence. Say to yourself, Embody the Siddhi of <>, in this case Wisdom.

Breaths 11-13 continue the spherical breathing of interdimensional prana, stabilizing the energy filed within, through, and around the body.

Breaths 14, 15, 16, and 17 are unchanged from the original instructions, other than the elemental color associations from the upper and lower trigrams.

We plan on teaching this in detail in future workshops hosted by Instruments of Infinity.


Invocation to Embodied Awakening


Merkaba is an activated Lightbody