Instruments of Infinity assists with

Contemplation, Oracles, Reiki, and Attunement


Merkaba activation was first described in modern times by Drunvalo Melchizedek. The 17 breath merkaba meditation was gifted to Drunvalo by Angels (fully realized higher dimensional beings). This original teaching has run into copyright issues, but the importance of the information has not diminished. The first six breaths of the merkaba meditation are the secret to programming a hexagram from the I-ching into the human Lightbody (merkaba) for etheric contemplation of the Gene Keys.


The I-ching, Tarot, and other oracles are tools that allow us to tap into the energies of the moment and choose to move with the Tao, or flow of life, instead of against it.


A practice of channeling energy from the Omnipresent Universal Divine Mind into the practicioner’s body and through which it travels to other physical places to cause healing and other beneficial effects on the physical world.

Attunement via Water Patterning.

Water is a medium that is capable of storing intent, vibration, and energy in its inter-molecular structures. Crystalline patterns form when harmonic intent is held in mind near water.