Merkaba is an activated Lightbody

Merkaba is a compound word, consisting of three parts.

Ba is ancient Egyptian for “body” or focal point for interpretation of reality.

Ka means Spirit.

Mer is a reference to a specific kind of light - light that is counter-rotating within itself. A filed of light spinning both clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same time.

All together this is a spinning-light spirit body field that is associated with the Tarot card Chariot (path # 18 of the Qabalistic Tree of Life) - referencing the ability to travel dimensions and space via light.

Path #17 Is The Lovers, uniting the Divine with the material. The merkaba activation instructions, received by Drunvalo Melchizedek , involves 17 steps (or breaths), with the 18th to be received via each person’s own communication with their Higher Self.

If you’re interested in learning the 17 steps and highlights of the Sacred Geometry information surrounding the merkaba, you can access our Course Online for FREE.

[If you’re already a member of the Instruments of Infinity Mighty Networks community, you can use this internal link to access the Course.]


Energetic Encoding of Hexagrams into the Activated Human Lightbody (merkaba)