What We Do

As Gene Keys Guides, we assist others on the same path we are also on.


Contemplation is central.

Incorporating aspects from the feminine path of meditation and the masculine path of concentration, contemplation is gentle, playful, and flexible. Richard Rudd’s “Art of Contemplation” course (which includes the material in the book plus additional valuable content)

Gene Key Profile sessions can provide guidance around the Gene Keys in your hologenetic profile.

Get your free Gene Keys profile at the Gene Keys website.

Send a copy of your profile to instrumentsofinfinity@gmail.com and book your profile session today.

Options for profile sessions include:

Activation Sequence: Your Four Prime Gifts ~30 minutes $37*

Venus Sequence: The Six Stages on the Pathway of Love: ~60 minutes $73*

Pearl Sequence: Your Four Quantum Keys to Prosperity ~30 minutes $37*

Entire Profile Deep Dive: 90-120 minutes $111*

Instruments of Infinity also offers synthesis readings that combine Oracle readings, Tarot, and Gene Keys into a single session focused on providing you with the clearest guidance possible in this moment.

These sessions involve both partners, so scheduling is on an as needed basis. Please email a copy of your profile to instrumentsofinfinity@gmail.com and indicate you are interested in a synthesis reading. Prices are identical to those listed above.


Instruments of Infinity would like anyone who is interested in receiving a profile session to be able to do so, regardless of financial circumstance. Since there are no costs of materials for profile sessions, an unlimited number of full scholarships are available. Timing may be delayed, as requests for paid sessiond will receive scheduling priority.

To ask for the full scholarship on a profile session, please email instrumentsofinfinity@gmail.com .


Instruments of Infinity hosted courses.